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Don’t be fooled again. Obama is Bush: How the media and the public have been misled


I Don t care what you say. Ive lived under my Carter to Biden and im telling you that under Reagan and Trump we saw more prosperity by all. Im a very poor white guy, and always have been. Ive been up a little better at times, but those times were under a conservative admin. I was in the poor house with Carter and Obama the worst till Biden came along, now im really sunk. 5 dollar a gal gasoline, buying less food (if you can find it) costing 25 dollars more a week, my meds have went thru the roof. You said something I really want to say something about, conservative Christian, that is what our forefathers built thi country on. God tells us plainly, a nation that forgets Him/God, that nation WILL be turned into hell. You may not BELEIVE that, but it makes it no less true. When this country was 85-90% Christian we were in good shape, the 20s came along people went wild, then the depression. People returned to the church things got better. The 60s came along then viet nam happened we got Carter and things went to hell again. People returned to the church for the most part Reagan came along things got better. Carter came along things sunk again. The bush boys and Clinton it just was middle of the road. Obama came along things sunk way down Trump came along things got better than I remember. People got their pockets fairly in shape and disregarded God again and we got biden, NOW LOOK WHERE WE ARE. CONSRRVATIVE CHRISTIAN WORKS. IT HAS ALL THRU HISTORY. LOOK AT THE ROMAN EMPIRE FOR EXAMPLE WHY DID IT FALL?? IT LEGALIZED HOMOSEXUALITY AND ANYTHING VILE. SAME WITH SODOM AND GAMORRAH. THE GREECIAN EMPIRE AND SO ON. GOD IS LONG SUFFERING BUT HIS PATIENCE WILL RUN OUT, I THINK WE AS A NATION HAVE WENT OVER THE LIMIT THIS TIME. JUST YESTERDAY THEY VOTED TO CODIFY HOMOSEXUAL MARRIAGE IN ALL 50 STATES, THAT JUST ENDRD ANY HOPE WE HAD WITH GOD, WE WILL BE TURNED INTO HELL. Sorry if this was harsh, but God is real and He will not be mocked.

Don’t be fooled again. Obama is Bush



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